Expansion tanks are required in a closed loop heating or chilled water HVAC system to absorb the expanding fluid and limit the pressure within a heating or cooling system.
A properly sized tank will accommodate the change in system fluid volume during heating or cooling cycle without allowing the system to exceed critical pressure relief valve limits.
Thermal expansion tanks are designed for pressure control in a potable water system. The building's water heater or water heating system typically creates thermally expanded water.
A properly sized thermal expansion tank will accommodate this additional volume of water created through expansion during the heating cycle, and control the system pressure increases, keeping pressures from reaching critical safety relief limits.
Hydro-pneumatic tanks are vessels that store water for a municipal well system or pressure boosting station.
Properly sized, these tanks provide drawdown water used to supply water for small demand loads, keeping the pumps off until needed. Additionally, these tanks can be applied to reduce harmful surge and water hammer pressure spikes.
Buffer tanks are required for systems with insufficient water volume capacity to eliminate short cycling of chiller or boiler components, poor temperature control, and erratic system operation.
A properly sized tank adds the necessary water volume to "buffer" the system to dampen fast transitions and eliminate short cycling.
Flash tanks are designed for systems that require flashing of high pressure condensate into steam for low pressure heating supply mains, and to reduce the cool low pressure steam before it is returned to the boiler, condensate receiver, or discharged into sewer.
Consult motor manufacturer. Rule-of-thumb use: Up to 3/4 hp - use 1 min. 1-3 hp - use 2 min. Over 3 hp - use 3 min. For VHD motors, consult factory'